In this hope-filled article, you will learn how the promises of God will give you strength and courage to live lighthearted despite what you face.
Does your heart feel heavy today? Are there things going on in your life that feel like too much to hold?
If I asked you what is weighing down your heart, what words come to mind?
Afraid? Rejected? Depressed? Alone? Misunderstood? Overwhelmed?
So many of my friends are hurting right now, and I desperately want to bring them encouragement and hope.
The grief of losing a loved one is fresh for some, deep discouragement is weighing others down.
Anxiety is affecting people of all ages, and joy seems to be missing as this new year begins.
My empathetic heart feels it, too.
Discover The Promises of God
Our faith leads us to read and remember the promises of God in His Word, yet sometimes we wonder…
Does he see what everybody is dealing with?
Do our problems really matter to him?
Are the promises of God still true for us in 2025?
I’m so thankful that his answer to our questions is a faithful, reassuring, “Yes.”
Yes, he sees us. Yes, we matter. And yes, his promises are as powerful and hope-filled as ever.
One of my favorite scriptures reminds us that:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 NIV
We can count on him. The faithful, redeeming love that Jesus showed to those who were struggling when he walked on the earth is the same kind of love he has for us.
His compassion for the sick, for those rejected by their community, for the poor and rich alike, for grieving families, and even for those who were really hard to love is for us, too.
Right now. Today.
What is Lighthearted
A few years ago, God inspired me with the word “lighthearted.”
It was during the Covid pandemic, and the way my heart was feeling was anything but light.
I looked up “lighthearted” in the dictionary.
What is Lighthearted? free from care, anxiety, or seriousness. Cheerfully optimistic and hopeful.
Is that possible? Can we really live in this stressful world and still be full of hope and optimism?
Might we be able to feel carefree and even playful when we are in the midst of a struggle?
This verse in 2 Peter encouraged me to keep believing that we can.
“His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
By these he has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.”
2 Peter 1:3-4 CSB
The Life-Changing Promises of God
I started focusing on the promises of God, and I discovered that there is so much more available to us than we realize sometimes.
God is inviting us into the divine nature–a life of Spirit-filled adventure with him. His power, his presence, his glory, and his goodness can fill every crack and broken place in our hearts.
We will have trouble in this world (he told us this), but we can trust him to be right there with us.
One day, he will invite us into Heaven where there will be no more tears, no stress or pain or fear.
But while we wait, he is inviting us to participate in the divine nature–life with him here on earth.
So how do we enter into this lighthearted life?
His great and precious promises usher us right in.
The promises of God are not simply inspirational sayings or motivational quotes. These are his living words filled with power, mystery, and truth.
There are hundreds of promises–each one a gift from our good Father who knows us and loves us more than we could ever comprehend.
Each promise of God helps us to know him better, to open our minds and hearts to his higher purpose.
Each promise of God welcomes us into a safe place, a refuge of comfort and strength through the storms of life.
4 Promises of God to Live Lighthearted
Here are a few of his promises we can focus on as we begin a brand-new year:
- When feeling alone or unworthy, we can be encouraged that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39 CSB
Nothing. Not conflict, not mental illness, not financial trouble, not addiction. Not our shame or guilt or doubt.
God says that he won’t let anything get between us and his love.
He sent his only Son to bring us back to him, and he is fiercely protective of and devoted to us. We are his precious kids.
- When exhausted and overwhelmed, we can remember that Jesus gives us rest.
Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 CSB
He invites us to come to him with all our heavy stuff, all the burdens we carry around, all the worry in our hearts and minds.
He knows our past, present, and future, and he cares about all of it. He offers to hold everything for us while we rest.
He invites us to take a breath, to be still, and let him take care of the details.
3. When we face discouragement or feel stuck, we can remember that God will make a way.
“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19 CSB
It is refreshing to realize that God is not limited by time or space. He has more creativity and ability than we can even imagine, and he has really good plans for us.
If we look for his guidance and help, he will take us to places we haven’t even dreamed of yet. He can make a way when there seems to be no way.
- When worrying about what is ahead, we can trust that God will hold on to us.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 NIV
No matter what is happening around or inside of us, we are in his hands.
We don’t have to be afraid when the news isn’t what we were hoping or praying for.
We are never hopeless. We know the One who is in control. He holds all things, and he holds us.
What a relief! What freedom from the heaviness that weighs us down!
We belong to the One who is faithful to keep his great and precious promises, and he is inviting us to live lightheartedly with him right now.
He is offering to hold–and lighten–our hearts today.
My prayer is that we will let him.
YouTube Conversation: 4 Promises of God
Listen in on YouTube and learn more about the promises of God that apply to you today. Click here
Susie Crosby
Susie is the author of Just One Word: 90 Devotions to Invite Jesus In, Harvest House, 2018, and Lighthearted 100-Day Devotional: One-Word Promises to Lighten Your Load and Lift Up Your Heart, B & H Publishing, 2024. Her first book for children, “Where is Sheep 100? A Skip-Counting Book”, B &H Kids will be released in July 2025.

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