I have lived with fear most of my life. Even as a young girl, I nursed fears and illogical outcomes on a daily basis.
Overcoming the spirit of fear always seemed like a good idea but living free from fear felt unattainable.
Fear was my constant companion.
-Going to sleep meant overcoming the spirit of fear
-Waking up meant overcoming the spirit of fear
-Daily activities (especially with my children) meant overcoming the spirit of fear
People that know me would not guess the stronghold fear had on me because my spirit of fear was internalized; swimming around in my head with nowhere to go.
I knew that as a believer in Jesus, my spirit should not be dominated by fear, but I lived this way for a long time. Fear was fighting to distract and monopolize my thoughts and therefore my actions; overcoming the spirit of fear was a daily struggle.
But slowly God nudged me with His amazing love and helped me learn how to climb out of the pit of fear.
I have not conquered a spirit of fear but have learned ways to overcome fear with faith in God. A God who cares so much that His presence is always available to comfort and soothe even when you wrestle with the most illogical fears.
“Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.”
1 Peter 5:7 TLB
What Does the Spirit of Fear Mean?
What does the spirit of fear mean? Our spirit is the part of us that connects with God. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous and likely to cause pain or a threat.
When your spirit is clogged or dominated by fear, your connection to God is affected.
Most of us at some point wrestle with overcoming a spirit of fear and replacing it with a spirit of faith. Although some fear is necessary, your spirit is what gives you life and should be full of hope and joy, not fear.
When you walk around with a spirit of fear you take space away from the victorious joy-filled life God intends for you.
A spirit of fear robs you of life; fear is a distraction and an all-consuming force. But with Christ, overcoming the spirit of fear is possible!
Notice the words unpleasant emotion in the definition of fear. Realizing fear is an emotion means we can do something about it. You can decide overcoming the spirit of fear is an option.
“We’re not born with a little voice named “Fear” in our brains that turns on and off in response to certain things or at certain times of the year. Emotions are much more complicated than that.
Our bodies are constantly responding to changes in the environment and then we have to think about and interpret that response based on what’s happening in the world around us, and what’s happened in our past.”
Vanessa LoBue Ph.D.
Research shows that all of us fear something and some people fear more than others. Fear can become a subconscious, unwanted friend.
If overcoming the spirit of fear is your goal, you will have to reprogram your thoughts. Fear is so powerful it can dominate your thoughts and your focus.
Since science confirms fear is an emotion, it helps us embrace the fact that we have some control over fear—you can choose how you respond to things that cause fear.
Overcoming the Spirit of Fear
Learning to scuba dive in Mexico sounded like a fabulous idea. My Friends and I were trained and hopped on a boat headed out to our first diving adventure. Overcoming the spirit of fear was not on our radar.
But as we waited to jump into the Gulf of Mexico, staring at the enormous waves, my knees began to quiver. A sensation of fear began to creep up and overwhelm me to the point of feeling smothered and unable to breathe.
The scuba equipment felt like it weighed hundreds of pounds and was crushing my body. I suddenly knew that fear had won and scuba diving would have to wait for another day. (Well maybe not, because I have never attempted diving again!)
Have you been in this type of situation where the meaning of fear is demonstrated and affects all of your senses? Where overcoming the spirit of fear seems impossible?
Fear is real and overtakes you if you don’t have tools to help overcome fear with faith.
Fear doesn’t always plague us as dramatically as scuba diving affected me, but it is an unwanted nemesis that alters your thoughts, behavior, and relationships.
“Fear kills expression of love, plugs lines of communication, imprisons victims of abuse, taunts with phobias, and erodes confidence and security.
Fear is not the private domain of the weak. It strikes at the best of us. Its most dangerous aspect is its ability to slap handcuffs and shackles on life, to keep the believer who wears them bound up in the prison of frustration and hopelessness.”
Carol Kent, Tame your Fears
Since fear can snatch any one of us, how is overcoming the spirit of fear possible? Through our growing faith and trust in God.
Can God Help Me With Overcoming a Spirit of Fear with Faith?
Have you wondered, can God help me overcome a spirit of fear with faith? I have wrestled with this question so many times it is quite embarrassing to admit.
One of the reasons I have repeatedly questioned whether God can help me overcome fear with faith is that I was not investing enough into my faith to trust God.
In my own strength, I can not deal with the uncertainty that lingers and overcome fear with faith. In my life, fear often wins.
When you grow closer to Jesus, your trust grows, and you believe and experience overcoming the spirit of fear with faith. Knowing your identity in Christ is a starting point.
At times we struggle spiritually and doubt who we are in Christ. We also question His promises.
Regardless of what you are facing if you truly believe how much God loves you, you’ve discovered the first line of attack for overcoming the spirit of fear with faith.
“The key is to learn to trust God, no matter what our fears are. And we can trust Him because He loves us, and He is greater than anything we’ll ever face.”
God can help you learn to choose a posture of hope and optimism so that you can become better at overcoming the spirit of fear with faith.
Overcome Fear with Faith
As long as we choose a path of personal growth, we will face fearful situations. Life is full of negative situations that happen or might happen, but we don’t have to focus on possible outcomes.
God’s ultimate goal is intimacy with us and our total dependence on Him to sustain us. When we focus on Jesus we learn to do the best we can, grow from our mistakes, and release our fixation on outcomes.
If we continue to operate by fear, it becomes our compass instead of Christ.
Although we shouldn’t be consumed by fear, It would be difficult to understand what it means to trust God if we never had a fearful emotion. Overcoming the spirit of fear with faith helps our spirit grow stronger and we become more confident and authentic.
“Fear is a friend because it is only when we are afraid that we plumb the depths of trust. We cannot know what trust means unless we live through an experience in which the Lord is all we have to hold on to.” Larry Richards.
A trustful reliance on God’s character and God’s word is vital to overcoming the spirit of fear with faith.
4 Keys for Overcoming the Spirit of Fear with Faith
For a long time, I struggled with the fear of flying. Every time an airplane took off, I felt fear. I started incorporating these four tools to help me with overcoming a spirit of fear when flying and in many other scenarios. I actually enjoy flying now after many years of tackling fear.
There are many helpful keys for overcoming the spirit of fear with faith. Here are four habits that have served me well when I face fearful situations.
- Acknowledge and try to understand your fear. Is it logical, is it possible, and/or is it probable? Life is full of negative things that might happen; don’t focus on them.
- Learn your fear triggers and be prepared to rein in emotions. It is also helpful to have techniques to calm down when fear hits.
- Study the Bible. Learning scripture and studying Biblical heroes will help you renew your mind in preparation for battle. Bible study will help you live more in the moment.
- Develop a habit of prayer. When fear begins to creep in, ask God to surround you with peace and comfort.
God created us to live with spiritual abundance so we can enjoy a relationship with Jesus, share our gifts with others, and persevere in our God-given purpose.
Fear doesn’t have to take these promises away from you. When you embrace the keys to overcoming the spirit of fear, worry no longer dominates your life!
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Romans 12:2 NLT
Scriptures to Overcome Fear with Faith
Overcoming the spirit of fear with faith takes practice. It took me a long time to allow faith to overpower the strong pull of fear. Understanding and learning scripture is a helpful tool to overcome fear with faith and let God become our anchor instead of our fears.
When you feel the pull of fear overtaking your spirit, turn to the word of God for guidance, strength, and peace. Reading and even memorizing scriptures helps with overcoming the spirit of fear.
8 Scriptures for Overcoming the Spirit of Fear with Faith
Here are eight scriptures for overcoming the spirit of fear. These scriptures continue to help me cling to my faith and trust in God instead of my fear.
- “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT
- “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT
- “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].” 2 Timothy 1:7 AMP
- “Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.” Psalm 27:3 NLT
- “For I cried to him and he answered me! He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 TLB
- “When I get really afraid, I come to you in trust. I’m proud to praise God; fearless now, I trust in God.” Psalm 56:3 MSG
- “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life”. Philippians 4:6-7 MSG
- “Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” Isaiah 41:10 MSG
Overcoming the spirit of fear will probably continue to be part of my story. Finding other verses to help in the battle will help me continue to grow and find more treasures in God’s word. What are your favorite scriptures for overcoming the spirit of fear?
Prayer Against Fear
When we take our focus off of God, fear can cloud our vision. We can lose sight of ourselves, our relationships, and our faith.
Prayer against fear is the best way to stay connected to God and win the battle against fear.
I have learned to consistently pray against fear. There is no best prayer against fear because every fearful situation strikes differently.
Overcoming the spirit of fear is possible when we realize God is available to help us with whatever burden we are carrying. Prayer against fear is a personal conversation with God to help you surrender and overcome fear with faith.
Matching relaxation techniques with prayer has helped me with overcoming the spirit of fear. As you pray against fear, breathe slowly, meditate on scripture and play or sing a soothing worship song.
Prayer against fear also helps you live in the moment and realign your thoughts with those of God.
Fear will never disappear completely, but we can grow in our faith and in our trust in God providing a pathway for overcoming the spirit of fear with faith day by day.
Once we acknowledge on a deep level that we are unable in our own strength to solve all of our problems and overcome all of our fear, we can grow in our reliance on Christ. This is the best key to overcoming the spirit of fear with faith.
Before you go…Have you struggled to overcome the spirit of fear as I have? How did you learn to overcome fear with faith? I would love to hear from you in the comments.
Mary Rooney Armand
Mary is the creator and writer for the faith-based blog ButterflyLiving.org. Her writing is featured on multiple Christian websites. She is the author of the book, “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and Life Changing Stories. a collaboration with 34 authors available on Amazon.
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It is empowering when you realize that being intentional in your spiritual walk with God and inner work to renew your mind can help you understand your fears and not remain captive to them.
Arris, yes it is! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!
Thankyou for your encouragement I have struggled with fear for 20 years and it has gotten worse since my son passed away 4 years ago. I am a very strong Christian. My fears are health but I am relatively healthy and lead a healthy life style. I surrender. Thanks
I just realized that this is my major issue .. I must overcome this I am bigger and better than where I am an those I work with… please help me get over this
Cathy, may God continue to give you strength and courage as you tackle a spirit of fear. The Psalms are great to read for encouragement. Many blessings!
I love your books. I want to get more of your books. Thanks!
I have learned alot and I believe I’ll be able now to overcome the spirit of fear,God bless you
Henry, I am happy to hear my words were helpful. May God continue to bless you in your journey of being an overcomer!!
It’s time to walk in freedom that my Lord has provided for me Thank you
Mary You are such a woman of God I really straggle with fear. My husband passed went to be with the Lord. Now that he is not around and thi is happen fear comes to me we did not have children I leave alone. For sure I will connect myself more with God not on my fear. read HIS word more and depend on him trusting him more I will get you book too.
Lina, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. May God comfort you in your grief.
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children Now we call him, “Abba, Father. Romans 8:15
Stay close to God and He will guide you.
Fear has nearly destroyed my life. Thank God for the word of God. Fear make me separated from my wife because of financing .
So thankful for God’s Word and presence to help us overcome fear. Prayers for your family. Many blessings!
I relate to your story in many ways, mine was growing up in a dysfunctional home without a Godly daddy. Now as a Christian I have full access to Praise and worship, reading and meditation on His word, Prayer and His Holy Spirit to help me on my journey:) keep me in your prayers so we both can be healed:)
Thank you warmly,
Kebra, thank you for reading and sharing part of your story with me. What a wonderful testimony you have to share! May God continue to move us away from fear and towards faith..many blessings, Mary
This really stood out to me. I have been going through a healing/transformation journey over the past 2 years, and have about 30+ years of hurt/rejection/unloved stuff to go through.
I thought I was doing well, until recently where I feel like I haven’t moved at all and fear is closing my heart. It’s causing frustration and more pain.
I have trouble letting people in, since my family were the ones who hurt me because I chose to follow God and speak about it and I have trouble letting my partner in too. Because of the fear, I also have a wall up to not let God in either, out of fear I’ll get hurt by him too.
I know in my head he won’t hurt me, but because my heart is so blocked, I’m not able to let in a whole lot of love or truth. ?
Dear Jayme, so sorry to hear about your past hurts and rejection. Those things are hard to heal from but not impossible! Jesus is our miracle worker and I pray you ask Him to help you overcome your pain so you can live the wonderful life He has made available to you. God will never leave or reject you! Call out to Him in prayer and worship and when ready step out to find people you can trust again. Prayers and blessings as you move forward, Mary
This quote really helped me alot, I have been battling with the spirit of fear that to the extent I cant go out during the day except at night when people will not see I pray to God to remove the spirit of fear from me
Praying that God’s mighty love overcomes your spirit of fear so you can walk in His confidence! Many blessings to you.
I’ve been afraid of the evening and night all my life. especially when I want to pray at night. I just found out a few days ago that this is not normal and also the Lord pointed out to me that this way I cannot serve Him in all fullness. I am not a scared person by nature, when I came to this realization I decided that it will stop and immediately. I said to The Lord. i don’t accept that this demon of fear is controlling me like that and i got furious. I started this yesterday and today I already feel a change. I don’t know how what or in what way, but today is my day, when the demon of fear leaves my life. theblord did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind. I also just go down in the evening today to pray. I don’t know what or how, but if I perish then I perish, but it ends here, now and today. I’ve had this since I was 4 years old and I’m 44 years old now. today is my day of victory. I have also found that if The Lord is stronger and mightier than all, the enemies will not be able to harm me and that even the devil must flee from me, for all is subject to The Lord, so what must I still be afraid. I want to encourage you to stand on verses from the bible and the word of THE Lord, when you understand that, fear will no longer have a hold on you. I encourage you last with the word: “The lord is my salvation who will i fear. be and stay blessed!
Thanks, for your testimony. I experienced fear, after I was exposed to covid…I was in isolation, and the enemy tried to attack my mind…. I was afraid to go out of the house, I prayed, I cried, the enemy also said you need to go in and kill yourself! But God delivered me, through his word.
I feel empowered to fight my fear from today, i am a stummerer, when fear attacks words disapear to the point where even prayer.
I give it all up to God. Stammering is pat of my creation, its part of me, i am tbe driver it shall be a passenger.
Amen! Thank you for sharing your overcoming story…may God bless you immensely!
Hello, i have just found this page. I am 72 and my major fear was and still is of losing my salvation. About once a year God has to tell me he will never leave me nor forsake me. However going through the trauma of being evicted from my home of 17 years and having to move to another area leaving my church which i loved and all my friends of 20 odd years i am beginning to have panick attacks. I realise now i should have dealt with this spirit of fear years ago but because it was God that i feared i had nowhere to run. I was given Is. 41 v 10 only yesterday which i have been reciting continually. This blog i feel will give me the tools to learn to trust God and fight fear. I’m glad i found this timely help. Thank you.
Linda, I am happy to hear God is sending tools to help you overcome your spirit of fear. May you continue to lean on our sweet Lord to fill you with His peace and love!
I am so thankful to have found your website. Your story relates very much to my story. I have battled a spirit of fear most of my life. The last few years has really taken a toll on my life. The Lord has been giving me help to overcome but it is a battle at times.
I am learning how to transform my thinking with the Word of God. I have come to realize that my view of God was effecting my life. I have come to realize the love of God in a greater way.
1 John 4:18 has is now a living word for me. I know that I will have fears that come but I am assured God is with me and He loves me with an everlasting love.
Thank you for sharing and being transparent. It is much needed and appreciated.
In Christ,
Juanita, may God continue to guide you so you can walk fearlessly! Thank you for sharing your story and I pray you have continued victory! Blessings, Mary
my fears are similar to yours. I have found great help online with mark dejesus. his videos on youtube are exceptional. his website http://www.markdejesus.com is a wonderful help and resource. blessings to you.
Hi there! I just want say that I really enjoyed reading your article. It helped me to put a lot of things into perspective. And is very relatable to what I’ve been dealing with my whole life. But recently it’s been a constant challenge and struggle that I’ve been dealing with fear and worry. I feel like I can’t seem to shake it off. I know part of it is because I haven’t spending much time with God and reading my bible. I have no peace or joy in my heart. I have been praying to God about the things that have been bothering me that’s creating fear and worry. I hear him telling me that I need to trust Him more. But at the same time I feel like I’m being pulled down by a stronghold. I’m angry with myself because whenever I tend to stray away from God that’s when these issues start to arise. I’m starting to feel really bad that I’ve let God down. He’s always been there for me and has helped me through the toughest times in my life. My faith level is really low right now. I’m just having a hard time getting back on track.
Aly, thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart! Remember God loves you no matter what. Maybe spend some time reading the words of Jesus in the gospels. It is always His love that surrounds us and draws us to Him. Also, I have an article on spiritual fatigue that may be helpful. Many blessings in your journey!
Thanks Ao much .Am From Kenya and How would i get in touch?
Made me realize the Truth that Fear really take you away from GOD.
I think fear needs to fear me now, for the next time I see it or Sense it, I swear I will execute my fear by “hanging” and whatever caused it..
Thank you for reading and may God help you continue to overcome fear!
I was so intimate with the Lord, until I began to allow doubts to build strongholds in my mind. These doubts came to mind because I began to make my time with God as less of a priority. These, in turn, led my mind to wander, causing me to fear everything. My parents have been guiding me through this, and this article has further put into perspective the spirit of fear’s agenda–to steal, kill and destroy. Thank you for this article. God bless you
May God continue to guide your journey! Thank you for reading and many blessings!!
Thanks so much for the clarity and understanding in your words on fear.
I have been over-thinking so many situations in my life instead of praying and giving them to the Lord
You’ve made that simpler today.
How wonderful you are being freed from fear. May God continue to guide your journey…Blessings!
Working on a sermon “The Battle of Fear vs Faith” taken from Numbers 13 – 14. Came across your article.
The spies came back to report on their trip to the Promised Land – both saw the same things, but 10 came back with fear and 2 came back with faith. In chapter 14:1- 4 – the negative report: Fear – Murmuring – Blame – Defeat and even rebellion. How much better to walk by faith in a loving and caring God.
Thanks for your encouraging word! God bless!
Pastor Bruce Talso – Minneapolis, MN
Well isn’t that an encouragement for me! So grateful God used my article to help in your sermon planning. May you and your church be continually blessed!
My fear is that i don’t like to speak in front of people. My thoughts are all over the place,i tremble,and my heart beats fast. I don’t like being the center of attention. I believe I am called to do more in my church, but fear immobilize me
Praying you can find the path to be free from the fear of being in front of others, in Jesus’ name, amen!
Hi, and how beautiful a blessing to find your beautiful and helpful site-how awesome and praise our LORD!! In 2020, I was diagnosed with the lie of severely advanced, terminal cancer, recently qualifying for hospice-according to the world, but I believe and stand on what the Master Physician says and His report-but what a blessing and intimate gift in disguise!! “…He certainly has turned it around for good, as it’s Written”. I’m overcoming fear and worry by learning to wield His Word and “take Heaven by storm”, and stick closer to His Word and His breath. Every day, instead, is a blessed gift and opportunity to glorify Him, as I crawl into His arms and onto our Poppa’s shoulders. Life has become an adventure, despite any pains or worries. “…as it’s Written, our LORD has gone before, and nothing is impossible or surprising, or too hard for Him”. By speaking out and standing on His Word, it grows my faith and intimate relationship with Him and makes all things wonderful possible. Some of my fav. Scripture promises are: Daniel 11:32-“the people who do know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits”; 3John 1-2 “my beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers “; Exodus 14:14- “the LORD shall fight your battles, and you shall hold your peace”; and “I shall live and not die, and I’ll declare the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living”; and, paraphrasing, “as my day, so shall my strength be”; “I can do ALL things through Jesus Christ, Who strengthens me”; and “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus”!
I have the coolest picture in our living room, which might wrap it up beautifully?? “Shine not so that others see you, but so that others see God in you”. When they first saw the first tumor, I felt a question in my spirit-where do I place my confidence, is it in the boat, or is it with God, Who controls the wind…..after I answered, my trust is in the Lord….. I then felt a solemn question, what if this lasts longer or is harder than I may think….. coming onto three years later, our God is a breathtaking, glorious, faithful treasure, and I am hopelessly and gratefully head over heels in love with Him; and thanks to the brilliant and beautiful Holy Spirit, I have the Blood of Jesus’ cheat sheet-and this love story ends beautifully.
I heard something cool years ago, that faith grows, the part between the wall and our backs, when we call out to our God during the hard times. It’s a love story, that I’m sooo grateful to be in with our God. The creation screams to the Creator-here’s to all of us enjoying our love stories by the King of kings, the best daddy ever, and brilliant and loving Holy Spirit LORD God-“as its Written, all things truly are possible with the Lord “!!!! and to Him, be all the glory? Here’s to us going for the best, because we’re are royalty. ????? xoxoxo
thank you for sharing your testimony of faith and courage! May God continue to heal you in Jesus’ name!
God bless you, and thank you soo much for praying for me? Wishing you continued joy, peace, and righteous prosperity. May our God bless you beyond your biggest and brightest dreams, for His beautiful glory ?
[…] what the bible says about change and how the characters handled change despite fear, obstacles, and resistance provides wisdom to help you persevere and grow confident in your identity […]
[…] what the bible says about change and how the characters handled change despite fear, obstacles, and resistance provides wisdom to help you persevere as you strive to cope with change […]
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Hi Mary, I accidentally or I thought I accidentally ran upon your article. As I was searching for scriptures to rid myself of the fear of never having enogh money. I found a portion of your article & begin to read it and i got so fascinated by the 1st paragraph I came off my phone & pulled the article up on my laptop. reading all the comments also. I say I thought I accidentally ran upon your article but, now I believe it was divine intervention. I have dealt with the fear of not having enough Money most of my life and now that I have a more intimate relationship with God, I decided to tackle this thing called fear & upon reading your article & all the replies I found solace in knowing I’m not the only christian dealing with this. However, I too have chosen to destroy it by the word of god & the ones I’m concentrating on first is Psalm 34:4 & 2Timothy1:7. I will continue to pray for all who are struggling with fear. Thank you all for sharing.
Hello, thanks for dropping in. It blesses me so much to hear that my words have made an impact! I hope you continue to conquer fear with God’s help!
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[…] A spirit of fear will rob you of joy, growth, and peaceful living. Embracing your identity in Christ helps combat fear so you can confidently fulfill your purpose. […]
It is so true that the more we understand God’s love for us and the closer we intentionally get to Jesus and His promises, the more He will empower us to overcome. Childhood strongholds of fear have created deep ruts in my life, but being born again and renewing my mind makes all the difference. I’m not there yet, but I have come a long way, thank God! Emotions and feelings can be very powerful, BUT “greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4…. It is all about where
we put the “BUT”