Personal Growth and Development
Insights and tips to help with the growth and development of Godly character.
6 Ways to Overcome Negative Labels and Walk in Your Identity in Christ
By Lavonda McCullough |
Negative labels change the way we see others and ourselves. Read how to overcome labels and walk in your identity in Christ. Imagine stepping into one of your favorite stores, only to find it draped in red tags signaling its imminent closure. That sinking feeling of disappointment washed over me when I recently walked into…
Read More 6 Secrets to Finding Happiness with God: Understanding Happiness in the Bible
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Does finding happiness matter to you? Most people answer “yes!”, because happiness and contentment are fulfilling and life-giving. Finding happiness is a good pursuit, but sometimes the pursuit of happiness takes center stage and matters too much. Learning about happiness in the Bible and finding happiness with God changes your perspective on what ‘being happy’…
Read More 3 Secret Weapons to Love Others God’s Way in a Not-So-Lovable World
By Rachel Rains |
As believers and Christ-followers, we recognize God’s command to love others. But we struggle when we are tested through painful, real-life experiences. When handled properly, challenges to love others become glorious opportunities to grow in spiritual maturity and participate in the building of God’s Kingdom. “If all you do is love the lovable, do you…
Read More How God Used a Word of the Year to Change My Perspective
By Amanda Schaefer |
It was almost the beginning of a fresh new year. For as long as I could remember, I had been praying and asking God to give me a word of the year. It was more than a habit or a ritual; it was a message and a reminder that I was not alone. I loved…
Read More 5 Inspiring Ways For Dealing with Failure and Trusting God
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Dealing with failure is hard because we want our story to be dominated by success and winning. It is natural to hope for and expect positive results when we invest time, money, love, emotions, and other valuable resources. Success is a great feeling, but no one is always a winner which is a good thing;…
Read More Encouragement for Empty Nesters: 7 Helpful Tips and Inspiring Bible Verses
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Releasing our children to the world and becoming empty nesters sounds like a logical, freeing next step…after all, parenting is a hard job! But many of us struggle when our children walk out the door- on their own- for the first time. When my fourth child graduated from high school, I felt sad and sought…
Read More 3 Easy Steps to Living with No Regrets
By Jodi Rosser |
The unkind comment quickly rolled off my tongue. Like a snap reaction, the snarky statement left my mouth intended to hurt the person who just hurt me. Overcome with anger, I could not see how disrespectful and harsh my response had been. Can you relate? Do you struggle with saying whatever you think? Like a…
Read More How to Cope with Change: 6 Inspiring Strategies and Bible Verses About Change
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Most of us aren’t enthusiastic about learning how to cope with change, so strategies for dealing with change are beneficial. “Coping” is effectively handling difficulties and disruptions in your life to reduce unpleasant emotions. Some people appreciate and even embrace change, so how to cope with change is more comfortable, but most of us resist…
Read More How to Deal with Loneliness to Find Peace and Belonging with God
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Loneliness is feeling empty, alone, and just sad. Not physically alone which at times is healthy, vital, and invigorating but a deep sense of feeling unwanted, forgotten, and invisible. Learning how to deal with loneliness reminds me of riding a Ferris Wheel. One moment you are enjoying the view and suddenly the ride stops and…
Read More 5 Tips for Managing Emotions and Growing Spiritually
By Mary Rooney Armand |
Managing emotions can be tricky, exhausting, and a huge distraction like a pesky, unruly fly swarming around your head. You grow weary of managing emotions and getting them under control, so feelings begin to accumulate like a layer of dust on your spirit. And then one day you are triggered and spread your collected emotions…
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