Finding hope in difficult times is challenging.
Experiencing stressful, life-altering events often leads to despair threatening to swallow your desire and ability to trust God.
But our faith muscle grows strongest when tested by the trials of life. God does not promise a stress-free life but He does promise to guide and walk beside us as we face difficult times.
When you turn to God and surrender your anxiety, fear, and uncertainty, situations that are hard to face will draw you closer to God and strengthen your faith.
Seeking blessings through times of trouble, helps us lean on God and hold onto the hope only Jesus provides.
“There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you,
across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you.”Deuteronomy 33:26-27 NLT
Finding Hope in Difficult Times
As I reflect on finding hope in difficult times three major events dramatically changed my circumstances and grew my faith.
These stories helped transform me to trust God and find hope in Him.
Hope in Difficult Times
It was a clear warm day when I started the dreaded task of potty training my 2-year-old daughter. I don’t know why that memory sticks–probably because of how the rest of the day unfolded.
We headed outside for a walk when I heard my house phone ringing. I quickly answered as my frantic husband said,
“Have you seen the news? The World Trade Centers in New York have been hit and all flights are canceled. I am stuck at the airport.”
I clearly remember the moment my reality shifted– the fear and confusion. I had 2 small children and worried what new world we would face.
Uncertainty and angst attempted to swallow me. In the following months, we waded through the disturbing news and changes but made it to the other side of 9/11.
We were able to find hope in hard times through prayer, trusting God, and our faith community.
Hope in Difficult Times
It was a usual Friday night for our family as we gathered for games and Chinese food with some of our close friends.
Halfway through our evening, my cell phone rang,
“Have you checked the latest track on that big hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico? It is headed straight for New Orleans and is predicted to have devastating effects. Everyone needs to evacuate.”
I clearly remember that moment when my reality shifted. As we packed up and left our home behind, we never imagined the devastation that would follow.
We lost most of our material things but waded through change again. This time had a greater impact on our family, but we survived the other side of Hurricane Katrina.
Once again, we were able to find hope in difficult times through our connection to God and generous, loving people.
Hope in Difficult Times
In February 2020, at the end of a family vacation, we scrolled through the news on our phones following a new virus sweeping across China.
The predictions were that the virus would spread across the world and have dire implications. I thought surely, we won’t face a pandemic across the globe.
For a third time, this was the moment my reality began shifting. This time it felt bigger, but maybe because the feelings were more recent and we had to change and adapt to the process of battling this crisis.
Although these life-altering events were very different, the feelings were very similar.
Raw vulnerability and numbness as if walking around lost make finding hope in times of trouble seem out of reach.
The hovering fear, lack of control, and uncertainty of how events will impact our family and community wait to pull us in and cause us to lose our way
The grief and sadness of what is lost.
I look back and wish I could have known the beauty that would come from the ashes; the positive outcomes that would emerge in many areas of life.
Since that is impossible, I hope to learn from these past experiences and better process whatever I face; to grow spiritually and relationally and be better at learning to find hope in difficult times.
How Do You Find Hope in Troubled Times?
Seeking blessings during a crisis is difficult but strengthens your faith and helps you believe that with God, good can emerge from tough situations.
6 Ways to Find Hope in Troubled Times
How do you find hope in troubled times? How do you rest in His peace and trust God is in control?
Here are 6 things you can do when seeking blessings from God.
- We can be present and rest in His comfort.
- We can push the fear out of our head and march on in hope.
- We can notice the plight of those around us and serve others which helps take the focus off of ourselves.
- We can discover how this situation is transforming us into Christ’s image.
- We can embrace the slowing down of our routine and sing praises to God.
- We can look for positive outcomes that may come from the situation.
Finally, we can seek blessings peeking through the horizon. The blessing may come through an encouraging word or deed from a friend or a sign of hope from God.
Bible Verses about Finding Hope in Hard Times
The Bible is the perfect resource to turn to when looking for hope in difficult times and seeking blessings from God.
There are hundreds of verses that provide peace and comfort.
6 Bible Verses for Hope in Hard Times
Here are six Bible verses to meditate on about holding onto hope in difficult times:
“Provide for those who grieve:to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”
Isaiah 61:3
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”
Hebrews 11:1
“Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.”
Romans 8:18
“Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.”
1 Chronicles 16:11
Seeking Blessings
It may seem unrealistic to focus on seeking blessings when you are struggling. But blessings come in unique and unexpected ways.
The definition of a blessing is God’s favor and protection. We can always pray for God’s favor and protection.
God loves you and wants to bless you with His presence. He also blesses you with peace and comfort.
Our circumstances may not change through specific prayer for blessing, but our spiritual condition grows.
A strong connection with Jesus helps us encounter Him to find hope in difficult times.
We also enjoy a renewed relationship with a loving and compassionate God!
How have you been able to find hope in difficult times?
Mary Rooney Armand
Mary is the creator and writer for the faith-based blog Her writing is featured on multiple websites. She is the author of “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and “Life Changing Stories“—a collaboration with 34 authors available on Amazon.
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Focusing on the Lord and His promises is the only way to keep our peace amidst the worries of this world. â¤
This was just the encouragement a couped up mama needed today! Beautiful!
Thank you! I hope is to encourage!
Yes, indeed! Thanks for reading!
“We can search for rainbows trying to peek through the horizon.”
I love this. Everything truly shifted. As if nothing matters anymore except for the present. I keep on wondering how everyone faced it in the old times. Slowly, things will move towards new things. I hope people we will all learn from this and start living right.
I read historical fiction so think about old times often. I too hope we make a shift! Thanks for reading!
Thanks so much â¤ï¸ once again so inspirational and timely… thanks for sharing ðŸ™
Thanks for reading and your encouragement!
Love how you walked us through each of these moments…it gives a calming “this to shall pass” feeling. Especially when we know our hope is found in Christ alone!! Hallelujah 🙌
Thank you for your encouraging words!
Amen. We can search for His rainbows in the midst of storms.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great encouragement for these difficult times. Thanks
Thank you for reading!
Amen Sister great message! Knowing we have Him in our lives and that He gives us Hope brings comfort and peace even in the storms of life. God Bless and be safe
Thank you and thanks for stopping by and reading!
“Search for the rainbows.”
So encouraging!
Such great perspective here, Mary! I, too, remember feeling so helpless about all the unknowns after 9/11, hurricanes, and now today. But you are right: God is there, always. We can count on Him to help us wade through, whatever that looks like.
so true! thanks for reading!
Oftentimes, as you write, life can be interrupted by an unexpected event or occurrence. And suddenly, our life and the world as we know it, just tilts, and turns upside down. And while we are in the initial stages of shock and disbelief and as we scramble to just get a handle on what has happened it is hard to see what is what. But as things settle and we have time to shift through things, we can start to look for the good things and the learnings. They will be there, we just have to look. Blessings during this time of uncertainty.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and for reading! Blessings to you.
Real and raw. Thank you for taking us through all the situations and leading us beyond. This situation is reminding us that we aren’t invincible. That’s an important lesson. And along with that, you show us hope. God bless!
Nancy, thank you for reading & your words of encouragement! Hope is so important especially now!
Mary, I too, remember what I was doing the moment 911 happened and the sick feeling and reality shifting as to what was happening in America. I’m so sorry for your crisis with hurricane Katrina. It does seem realistic to wonder what we learn from a previous crisis, how it changed us once we processed it and saw any good and positive outcomes in the end. I love how you said, “During a crisis, good can emerge, but it is hard to recognize in the midst of the struggle.” So “we can” forge ahead with every point you so beautifully make.
Thank you for reading and for your wise insights. Its weird how certain memories are so vivid and others get lost in the traffic of our brains. Believe it or not Katrina was a good thing for me and my city, but of course not at the time…Blessings to you!
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