Mary Rooney Armand

Mary Rooney Armand is an Author, Speaker, and Creator of the faith-based blog She helps others grow in their intimacy with Christ and thrive in their relationships. Her work is featured on multiple websites including Woman of Noble Character, Pray with Confidence, and The Brave Women Series. Mary is the author of, “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and, “Life Changing Stories” a collaboration with 34 authors sharing stories of God’s faithfulness. Besides writing, Mary leads small groups and speaks at retreats. She directed Kids Hope USA, a mentoring program for children, worked in marketing and sales, and has led mission trips to Honduras. Mary is a life coach with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and an MBA. She and her wonderful husband Cory live in New Orleans and are the parents of four children, a new daughter-in-law, and two dogs! Connect with Mary on Instagram or Facebook.

ladies racing-spiritual freedom
Spiritual Freedom: How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Break Free
Is it possible to experience spiritual freedom? How do we stop negative thoughts and break free? I hope this devotional provides insight into spiritual freedom and the joy you find breaking free from negativity. In High School, I participated in an end-of-year field day enjoying the events, camaraderie, and freedom from classwork. However, I dreaded…
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lady with balloons-finding happiness with God
6 Secrets to Finding Happiness with God: Understanding Happiness in the Bible
Does finding happiness matter to you? Most people answer “yes!”, because happiness and contentment are fulfilling and life-giving. Finding happiness is a good pursuit, but sometimes the pursuit of happiness takes center stage and matters too much. Learning about happiness in the Bible and finding happiness with God changes your perspective on what ‘being happy’…
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lady at window-feeling forgotten
When You Are Feeling Forgotten: 4 Powerful Ways to Know God Sees You
I did not understand the pain of feeling forgotten until the day I noticed my brother outside of my friend’s window. Watching as he paced back and forth on the sidewalk, I could sense his sadness. Taking a few small steps he would pause, glance at the window, turn around, and repeat the pattern.  “What…
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5 Inspiring Ways For Dealing with Failure and Trusting God
Dealing with failure is hard because we want our story to be dominated by success and winning. It is natural to hope for and expect positive results when we invest time, money, love, emotions, and other valuable resources. Success is a great feeling, but no one is always a winner which is a good thing;…
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butterfly in jar-life changing stories
34 Amazing Life Changing Stories Revealing God’s Faithfulness and Transforming Power
Waking up one morning I enthusiastically proclaimed to my husband, ‘I am going to collect 50 life changing stories and write a book.’ My husband looked over at my squishy morning face and affectionately said, 50 is a lot, maybe start with 30? These morning revelations are not unusual. I often wake up sensing a…
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girl with suitcase-encouragement for empty nesters
Encouragement for Empty Nesters: 7 Helpful Tips and Inspiring Bible Verses
Releasing our children to the world and becoming empty nesters sounds like a logical, freeing next step…after all, parenting is a hard job! But many of us struggle when our children walk out the door- on their own- for the first time. When my fourth child graduated from high school, I felt sad and sought…
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The Story of John the Baptist: 4 Powerful Lessons and Bible Verses
The Story of John the Baptist: 4 Powerful Lessons and Bible Verses
The story of John the Baptist is a compelling, guiding narrative to introduce Jesus as the Messiah from someone who knew and loved him. John the Baptist’s story is full of purpose, hope, and heartbreak much like the story of you and me. His mission may seem more significant than ours but we are all…
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What Does the Bible Say About Gossip? 9 Inspiring Verses to Handle Gossip Biblically
What Does the Bible Say About Gossip? 9 Inspiring Verses to Handle Gossip Biblically
Studying ‘what does the Bible say about gossip’, helps us be intentional with what we say or don’t say, navigate relationships, and grow spiritually. The Bible is full of verses about our speech and gossip. Since I am a talker the topic of gossip from a Biblical perspective has required a lot of attention! What…
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6 Insightful Christian Parenting Books
6 Powerful Christian Parenting Books to Impact Your Family
Leaving the hospital the nurse placed my newborn son in my outstretched arms, “goodbye and good luck”, she cheerfully exclaimed. Slightly panicked I thought, this is the most important job in my life and we have no instructions! Like most new parents my husband and I were terrified something would go terribly wrong. I jumped…
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The Story of Mary Magdalene: 4 Inspiring Lessons
The Story of Mary Magdalene: 4 Inspiring Lessons
The story of Mary Magdalene is mentioned in all four of the New Testament gospels. This fact alone makes Mary Magdalene quite extraordinary. Watching the series, The Chosen, as part of a special program for my church, I was captivated by the story of Mary Magdalene. In the first episode, you are brought into the…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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