Spiritual Growth

Insights to help guide and develop faith and trust in God.

What is Spiritual Fatigue? And How to Overcome it
What is Spiritual Fatigue? 5 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weariness
Are you feeling discouraged, disconnected, or disillusioned with your faith? If so, you may be experiencing spiritual fatigue. Spiritual fatigue is feeling tired or exhausted in your Christian journey. Spiritual fatigue is also referred to as spiritual weariness or a lack of strength to push forward; in other words, when you feel spiritually drained, defeated,…
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flowers-pray specifically
4 Powerful Ways to Pray Specifically
I have prayed to God my entire life, but have not always thought to pray specifically. When I keep my talks with God vague, it is because to pray specifically exposes my vulnerability; similar to when a friend asks how you are doing and you don’t reveal the whole truth. When we pray we are…
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lady praying/ Does God Still Heal Today?
Does God Still Heal Today? A Good Prayer for Healing
For most of the first 40 years of my life, I had head knowledge about Biblical healing.  I knew the stories of Jesus healing people – healing leprosy, an issue of blood, and even blindness. But I never stopped to wonder does God still heal today, not until I desperately needed healing for my own…
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lady with hands on face-learn from mistakes
How to Learn from Mistakes: 6 Ways God Redeems Your Mistakes
Unfortunately, we all make mistakes. I have made my fair share of mistakes which has fueled my determination to figure out how to learn from mistakes. When you believe God redeems mistakes and you are committed to learning from mistakes, it eases the discomfort mistakes cause. You can get past feelings of disappointment and disillusionment…
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flowers-what is discouragement
What is Discouragement? 5 Helpful Tips on How to Overcome Discouragement
What is discouragement? It is a curtain of doubt that falls on you when optimism over a certain outcome is ripped away.   I can vividly remember situations where I felt discouragement. A season of hope that was replaced by uncertainty and confusion. The moment my husband walked into the room after Hurricane Katrina and…
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What Does the Bible Say about Encouragement? 5 Tips to Build Each Other Up
What Does the Bible Say about Encouragement? 5 Tips to Build Each Other Up
Some people naturally know how to encourage others.  In their presence, we feel refreshed; they freely offer praise, admiration, and genuine encouragement. When I am around encouragers, I wonder, how are they so kind? Is it possible for all of us to become encouragers? What does the Bible say about encouragement? Expressing encouragement may seem…
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Lady reading-how the Bible can change your life
How the Bible Can Change Your Life: 4 Benefits of Reading God’s Word
Are you wondering, how the Bible can change your life? How the word of God completely transforms you? When I was in grade school, I was part of a team that would memorize Bible verses for competition. The training involved sitting on my porch, eating Lemonhead candy while practicing Bible flash cards. I hate to…
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Hands reading book-trusting God
Trusting God One Step at a Time
Lately, my husband has become a weekend “tinkerer”. I thought he would appreciate having his tools near him on the carport, so he would not have to go in and out of our house. Also, his tools were taking up needed space in our already cramped utility room, so yes, a little selfish motivation on…
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Feet walking-how to persevere
How to Persevere in Faith When You Feel Like Giving Up: 3 Helpful Tips
Most mornings I exercise on a path near my home and get to practice how to persevere when you feel like giving up! Occasionally, as I head out the door, a neighbor waves and says, “headed for a run, good for you!” It feels good to think people see me as a runner. I think…
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Girl with Sunflower-Godly contentment
4 Ways for Finding Godly Contentment and Overcome the Need for Seeking Approval
Godly contentment brings a deep sense of satisfaction that affects every area of life. For a long time, contentment eluded me and I sought satisfaction along paths that led to dead ends. After placing my faith in Christ, a shift began in my spirit. I developed confidence, because of my trust in God, which led…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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