Spiritual Growth

Insights to help guide and develop faith and trust in God.

How to be Confident without Being Arrogant and 5 Components for the Confidence of God
How to be Confident without Being Arrogant: 5 Components for the Confidence of God
How to be confident without being arrogant? What’s the trick to being self-assured yet humble? How do we squash insecurities and yet not present ourselves as arrogant? Is there a scale that tips when our pride turns excessive, warning us to settle down? Is it even humanly possible to be confident and not overconfident simultaneously?…
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How to Surrender to God and 8 Inspiring Bible Verses about Surrender
How to Surrender to God: 8 Inspiring Bible Verses about Surrender
 When you surrender to God, you give up control and yield to Him. Easy enough…no, not at all! Learning how to surrender to God is one of the hardest but most important things in your faith journey. Surrendering to anyone or anything feels counterintuitive and unnatural. Many see surrender as weak, a sign of defeat,…
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What is Being Double-Minded? Important Faith Lessons from the Book of James
What is Being Double-Minded? Important Faith Lessons from the Book of James
It was the fall of 2018. An excited newly certified nurse practitioner, I finally completed my post-master program, the culmination of a dream many years in the making. I was thankful to be done with school and ready to start my life’s next assignment. In fact, several years prior God had told me exactly where…
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5 Tips for Managing Emotions and Growing Spiritually
5 Tips for Managing Emotions and Growing Spiritually
Managing emotions can be tricky, exhausting, and a huge distraction like a pesky, unruly fly swarming around your head. You grow weary of managing emotions and getting them under control, so feelings begin to accumulate like a layer of dust on your spirit. And then one day you are triggered and spread your collected emotions…
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5 Powerful Steps for Healing Emotional Triggers
5 Powerful Steps for Healing Emotional Triggers
When I realized my response to emotional triggers negatively affected my relationships, I felt grief and a desire for change. As I allowed God to guide me in my emotional triggers, I experienced freedom and the courage to speak out. If emotional triggers impact your life, I hope you find encouragement and hope in my…
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Dealing with Uncertainty: 8 Inspiring Ways
Dealing with Uncertainty: 8 Inspiring Ways
We live in uncertain times. Everywhere we look we see evidence of unrest around us. The truth is nothing remains the same. Change is inevitable, and along with change comes uncertainty about the future. Dealing with uncertainty is a challenge for anyone trying to adapt to unforeseen changes in their life. We only have to…
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Betrayal in the Bible & 4 Tips to Find Healing from Betrayal
Betrayal in the Bible: 4 Tips to Find Healing from Betrayal
Betrayal in the Bible is part of the scripture’s narrative along with painful consequences that often follow. Studying stories of betrayal in the Bible helps you find healing from betrayal in your life. Betrayal is a painful reality to grasp and is never sought, desired, or welcomed whether in Bible times or today. But betrayal…
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The Story of Mary and Martha: 6 Inspiring Lessons We Learn
The Story of Mary and Martha: 6 Inspiring Lessons
The story of Mary and Martha in the Bible is a true tale of two sisters who passionately loved Jesus. I have frequently studied both of these women throughout the past few years and each time I study the story of Mary and Martha I learn something new! At the time of this writing about…
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How to Know God Cares for You and 4 Inspiring Bible Stories about God's Love
How to Know God Cares for You: 4 Inspiring Bible Stories Showing God’s Love
Is it possible to know God cares for you? You can know God cares for you because He reveals it in His words and in His love. This should be a short article because that is an extremely comforting revelation. But even when we believe and trust God, life brings unwelcome surprises; trials, heartache, and…
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Understanding the Joy of the Lord and How it Can Change Your Life
Understanding the Joy of the Lord: How Joy Changes Your Life
Many people think of happiness and joy as the same thing, but they are not.  In this post, I want to dig down and embrace a faith that brings about a state of mind and not just a feeling.  The joy of the Lord is given to those who seek it and accept it and…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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