Spiritual Growth

Insights to help guide and develop faith and trust in God.

Lady praying-Benefits of daily prayer
4 Benefits of Daily Prayer
There are so many benefits of daily prayer it would be hard to list them all. Praying daily, writing in a journal, and enjoying the presence of God is now an important part of my routine. It was not always that way; when I was younger, I thought going to church once a week was…
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Lady looking in mirror-What is Identity in Christ?
What is Identity in Christ? 3 Inspiring Answers to a Life Changing Question
When I was a little girl, my family attended church regularly and I loved it–feeling God near me, learning Bible verses, and embracing our faith community. I participated in children’s programs, attended camp, and was involved in Youth for Christ. I felt loved and secure in my identity in Christ. During this time, seeds of…
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Flowers in basket-waiting on God's timing
An Invitation to Wait on God’s Timing
Living in southeastern Wisconsin, every winter I am reminded of the importance to learn to wait on God’s timing. How to Learn to Wait on God’s Timing Each year my big Mother’s Day gift is when my husband takes me on a shopping spree to pick out flowers for the hanging baskets in our entryway.…
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Plants in pots-what does the Bible say about generosity
What Does the Bible say About Generosity? 5 Powerful Bible Verses
In order to become generous we need to experience gratitude and appreciation.
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6 Steps to Spring Cleaning of the Soul
6 Steps to Spring Cleaning of the Soul
I look forward to Spring Cleaning! I am one of those people that LOVES to organize and purge this time of year. There is such a sense of accomplishment when I open my cabinets and closets to see everything in the proper place. I also love “to-do’ lists. My taskmaster personality enjoys focusing on and…
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3 crosses on a hill-He love is
He Loves Us
During Lenten Season we are reminded that Jesus loves us and sacrificed His life for us. But we can also start feeling that we are not where we should be spiritually. Have you completed everything you intended for this Lenten season? Did you strive and achieve heroically? Did you keep resolutions and promises? Did you…
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6 Ways of Finding Hope in Difficult Times and Seeking Blessings
6 Ways of Finding Hope in Difficult Times and Seeking Blessings
Finding hope in difficult times is challenging. Experiencing stressful, life-altering events often leads to despair threatening to swallow your desire and ability to trust God. But our faith muscle grows strongest when tested by the trials of life. God does not promise a stress-free life but He does promise to guide and walk beside us…
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Trusting God in Times of Uncertainty: 6 Ways God Rescues Us
Trusting God in Times of Uncertainty: 6 Ways God Rescues Us
Uncertainty in life is difficult to handle especially when we feel alone. In a recent dream, I was reminded that trusting God in times of uncertainty is possible when we put our trust in Him and not our circumstances. The love and complete acceptance of Christ help us put our trust in God Jesus sacrificed…
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Smoke from a fire-controlled burn
Controlled Burn in Preparation for Renewal
I don’t know about you, but I am glad 2020 is in full swing, and many people have told me they feel the same way! 2019 was very challenging for me. I like to think that the challenges I faced made me a better Christian and that I’ve grown from them. The truth is, most…
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Hands holding light burst-Keeping Christ Close
Keeping Christ Close while Facing your Worst Fear
Imagine facing your worst fear. Do you know how you would handle it? Do you think God would be there to help you? I can answer these questions because one of my worst fears came true.       Keeping Christ Close while facing your worst fear became the most important thing to me. Struggles…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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