Studying ‘what does the Bible say about gossip’, helps us be intentional with what we say or don’t say, navigate relationships, and grow spiritually. The Bible is full of verses about our speech and gossip. Since I am a talker the topic of gossip from a Biblical perspective has required a lot of attention! What…
Read More Leaving the hospital the nurse placed my newborn son in my outstretched arms, “goodbye and good luck”, she cheerfully exclaimed. Slightly panicked I thought, this is the most important job in my life and we have no instructions! Like most new parents my husband and I were terrified something would go terribly wrong. I jumped…
Read More The story of Mary Magdalene is mentioned in all four of the New Testament gospels. This fact alone makes Mary Magdalene quite extraordinary. Watching the series, The Chosen, as part of a special program for my church, I was captivated by the story of Mary Magdalene. In the first episode, you are brought into the…
Read More “Coping” is effectively handling difficulties and disruptions in your life to reduce unpleasant emotions. Strategies to cope with change are beneficial, but most of us aren’t particularly enthusiastic about learning how to cope with change. Some people appreciate and even embrace change, so how to cope with change is more comfortable, but most of us…
Read More Since childhood, I’ve attempted New Year’s resolutions, not spiritual resolutions just self-improvement promises to myself. Resolutions are great, but unfortunately, I don’t think most of my resolutions survived through January. Some of my New Year’s resolutions included: stop biting my nails, stop chewing gum, don’t hang out with certain people, find good friends, read more,…
Read More Loneliness is feeling empty, alone, and just sad. Not physically alone which at times is healthy, vital, and invigorating but a deep sense of feeling unwanted, forgotten, and invisible. Learning how to deal with loneliness reminds me of riding a Ferris Wheel. One moment you are enjoying the view and suddenly the ride stops and…
Read More As a child attending church, our pastor would occasionally invite a group of us to sing on stage. I loved being selected and clearly remember singing, “I’ll fly away, oh glory” with my three friends while sensing the presence of God. In my mind, our performance was spectacular even though none of us were accomplished…
Read More When you surrender to God, you give up control and yield to Him. Easy enough…no, not at all! Learning how to surrender to God is one of the hardest but most important things in your faith journey. Surrendering to anyone or anything feels counterintuitive and unnatural. Many see surrender as weak, a sign of defeat,…
Read More Managing emotions can be tricky, exhausting, and a huge distraction like a pesky, unruly fly swarming around your head. You grow weary of managing emotions and getting them under control, so feelings begin to accumulate like a layer of dust on your spirit. And then one day you are triggered and spread your collected emotions…
Read More Learning how to plan a retreat can be intimidating. That is exactly what we were feeling when our Book Club decided to plan a retreat in order to grow closer to God and to each other. But as we discussed the idea our excitement grew and the possibility that we could learn how to plan…
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