Spiritual Growth

Insights to help guide and develop faith and trust in God.

Boy jumping in water-Reckless and Audacious prayer
Reckless and Audacious Prayer
I’m trying to pray reckless prayers. Reckless and Audacious. Reckless because I am not concerned about what others think about my prayer. Audacious, which is not a word that gets used every day, because I need a boldness that isn’t always appropriate. Reckless Prayer Requires Courage Dictionary.com uses such phrases as “recklessly brave” and “recklessly…
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man and child-what does it mean to be chosen by God
What Does it Mean to be Chosen by God?
Have you wondered, what does it mean to be chosen by God? I hope so because it is a life-changing question that will lead you on a journey of revelation and growth. Nothing is required for us to be chosen by God. Jesus already accomplished our salvation over 2000 years ago on a cross. I…
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Crown-Jesus is a different kind of King
Jesus is a Different Kind of King and We are His Royalty
Jesus is a different kind of King and we are His royalty! But in January, for the people of New Orleans, eyes are on the Kings and Queens of carnival as “King’s Day” is celebrated January 6. Kings Day Traditionally January 6 represents the day the three Wise Men brought gifts to baby Jesus. In…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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