Spiritual Growth

Insights to help guide and develop faith and trust in God.

lady and cross-how to wait on God
How to Wait on God During Grief and Sorrow
Learning how to wait on God is hard, especially during grief and sorrow. If you are grieving, may you find hope and inspiration in Cecille’s story. I needed to get home fast! I visited this place often, but it still felt foreign. I looked for landmarks and remembered a theater nearby where cabs were accessible.…
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What is Godly Wisdom? How to Gain Wisdom for Guidance and Decision Making
Do you wonder what is Godly wisdom and how it differs from knowledge? Does it feel like everyone else has more wisdom than you? No worries, everyone can gain Godly wisdom because God distributes it equally when we ask. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He…
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Spiritual Freedom: How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Break Free
Is it possible to experience spiritual freedom? How do we stop negative thoughts and break free? I hope this devotional provides insight into spiritual freedom and the joy you find breaking free from negativity. In High School, I participated in an end-of-year field day, enjoying the events, camaraderie, and freedom from classwork. However, I dreaded…
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6 Ways to Overcome Negative Labels and Walk in Your Identity in Christ
Negative labels change the way we see others and ourselves. Read how to overcome labels and walk in your identity in Christ. Imagine stepping into one of your favorite stores, only to find it draped in red tags signaling its imminent closure. That sinking feeling of disappointment washed over me when I recently walked into…
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How to Be Prepared: 3 Helpful Steps for Preparation in the Bible
Read along as Robyn guides us on how to be prepared to face challenges while fulfilling our calling. One of the things I love about my home office is the natural light that a large window and sliding glass doors offer. The more natural light in my space, the better I like it. It makes…
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How God Uses Suffering for Our Good: 7 Powerful Ways
In this article, Collene powerfully reveals how God uses suffering for our good. My eyes lit up and my heart started to pound as I read the text. It was an invitation to an event with a bunch of friends. An event I really wanted to go to. An event I knew would be an…
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6 Secrets to Finding Happiness with God: Understanding Happiness in the Bible
Does finding happiness matter to you? Most people answer “yes!”, because happiness and contentment are fulfilling and life-giving. Finding happiness is a good pursuit, but sometimes the pursuit of happiness takes center stage and matters too much. Learning about happiness in the Bible and finding happiness with God changes your perspective on what ‘being happy’…
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The Proverbs 31 Woman Cultivates Life with a Heart of Hope
I love how Proverbs 31:16 reveals a woman with a heart set on hope. “She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands, she plants a vineyard.” We’re not told if the Proverbs 31 woman knew in advance how much the fields would yield, how long it would take to see…
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How I Learned Our Amazing God Does Not Need Our Help
How I learned God does not need our help. I worked as an ICU nurse for five years and cared for critically ill patients with all kinds of sicknesses, helping pull many back from the brink of death. But it wasn’t until I became a family caregiver that I realized God didn’t need me to…
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7 Inspiring Ways to Turn Tragedy into Opportunity
Do you wonder how to turn tragedy into opportunity? Is this possible and how can we create opportunities from our tragedies? Nobody wants to experience tragedies and suffer. We hear about tragedies; we read about tragic events, but we also push away the reality that tragedies may come into our lives. But God redeems suffering…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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