Personal Growth and Development

Insights and tips to help with the growth and development of Godly character.

journal-word for the year
How to Choose a Word for the Year and Make a Creative Journal
As you stand at the entrance of a new year, do you ever reflect on a word for the year that could be yours throughout the year? I do this practice every year. For me, choosing a word for the year has never been an exercise such as coming up with a New Year’s Resolution…
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Lady with arms out-Living an authentic life
4 Guidelines for Living an Authentic Life
At my dear friend John’s funeral, I was brought to tears as people highlighted his kind, generous spirit. The word authentic was repeatedly used to describe him and how he lived his life. What a legacy to be known as a genuinely authentic person; someone who knows what it means to be real. Although my…
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Garden path-finding your purpose in God
5 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in God: Discover the Real Purpose in Life
Finding your purpose in God leads to a better altogether life. Relinquishing control and trusting God with our lives leads to an inspiring, peaceful, and fulfilling journey. But for me, it took time and several wrong turns. Finding purpose took me on many paths with some success and some dead ends. When I finally attached…
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Lady & beach-controlling anxiety
Controlling Anxiety: 9 Tips to Trust God and Walk in Freedom
Controlling anxiety has been a lifelong goal for me. Millions of people suffer and struggle with how to control anxiety, unfortunately, it seems to be a growing ailment. During the pandemic, what was once a normal life became a distant fog. We were forced to find a place to anchor in a world that became…
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Feet walking-how to persevere
How to Persevere in Faith When You Feel Like Giving Up: 3 Helpful Tips
Most mornings I exercise on a path near my home and get to practice how to persevere when you feel like giving up! Occasionally, as I head out the door, a neighbor waves and says, “headed for a run, good for you!” It feels good to think people see me as a runner. I think…
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Words Peace-pursuing peace
Pursuing Peace
I am a person that usually enjoys pursuing peace with everyone. But I typically pursue peace using my voice. Never in my life did I think I would be out of words. I am a professional communicator; I work for a local radio station. My mom says I talked before I could walk. My husband…
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Divorce words on road-A child of Divorce
8 Powerful Ways A Child of Divorce Finds Healing
Children of divorce experience challenges that are far-reaching but seldom recognized or discussed in society or churches. It is a unique and personal condition that gets lost in the shadows amidst the greater stresses and priorities of broken families. As a child of divorce, I am convinced that God wants us to embrace the topic…
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Person walking in a valley-coming to terms with turning 50
3 Powerful Tips for Coming to Terms with Turning 50
As I was coming to terms with turning 50, my thoughts wandered back to a long-ago conversation: It was daybreak on a February morning in 1989. The weather was minus 10 degrees, and the wind was blowing as I was walking over the Mississippi River bridge. I was with one of my roommates headed to…
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How to Calm Down when Stressed: 4 Tips to Help You Find Peace
How to Calm Down when Stressed: 4 Tips to Help You Find Peace in God
My teenagers love the phrase ‘calm down’ except when applied to them. Actually, I haven’t met anyone who likes to be told to calm down. The overused sentiment is usually expressed after a minor incident or dramatic reaction, but in reality, learning how to calm down when stressed is helpful when we face certain situations.…
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Pencil erasing the word fear-Coping during a Crisis
Coping with Fear and Anxiety during a Crisis
There are many of us trying to deal with the frightening situation of the Coronavirus, and coping with fear and anxiety.   Whether you’re a health-care worker going to work, or an older person who just wants to go to the grocery, it is likely that you’ve experienced anxiety during this pandemic.   Coping with…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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