How to Be Prepared: 3 Helpful Steps for Preparation in the Bible

Read along as Robyn guides us on how to be prepared to face challenges while fulfilling our calling.

One of the things I love about my home office is the natural light that a large window and sliding glass doors offer.

The more natural light in my space, the better I like it. It makes me feel so much better, and more hopeful.

Occasionally, though, I get a little distracted by watching what is happening outside.

One January day I was working there, and movement in my peripheral vision got my attention. I saw a stranger walking in my neighbor’s yard.

Naturally, I looked closer to check it out. It was someone with a lawncare service treating my neighbor’s yard. I realized it is a regular occurrence. I’ve seen them do it before. Usually, it doesn’t hold my attention.

This day was different. I watched a guy push his spreader all over the yard as quickly as possible. It was cold, and he was bundled up to stay warm. He did his job and moved on.

I looked back at that yard, which looked the same wintry mix of brown and dull green as mine. I couldn’t see anything happening. But I’m sure it was.

Now that spring is here, that yard looks better than mine. They are only separated by a chain-link fence.

Their grass certainly looks greener than mine. It looks thick and lush. When it’s time to grill, sit outside consistently, and make good use of their yard, it will look great because of the maintenance it had all winter.

The parallels of how to be prepared for a life lived for Christ struck me.

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The Importance of Preparation

Our best work and preparation are done when no one is looking.

Preparation tends to be a behind-the-scenes operation.

Christ is preparing a place for us (John 14:3), but we must also be prepared.

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

1 Peter 1:13, NIV

We live in a sinful world where troubles are guaranteed to come our way. We must prepare ourselves before they arrive.

The time to prepare for a natural disaster is before it hits. There is seldom time in the moment to be fully ready and prepared.

Having the right supplies to be prepared increases your odds of coming through such an event in better shape.

Athletes are a great example of this. Top-tier athletes spend countless time in preparation long before a game or race.

If they just show up when a crowd comes to watch, they would not be worth watching.

-They run in the rain, do repetitive drills in the off-season, lift weights, watch game films, and eat a healthy diet when their friends might be choosing pizza.

-They practice when it would be easier and more fun to do something else.

-They practice when no one is watching.

-They prepare themselves for victory long before it’s time to compete.

The definition of preparation is to be made ready. It is a process, and as such takes time.

As Christians, if we are going to be prepared for the challenges of this life and be prepared for the return of Christ, then we need to start now.

We need to work in the winter, when it’s not popular and noticed, to be ready to enjoy the summer.

Running miles, lifting weights, or even yard maintenance are tangible ways to be prepared for swimsuit season, a sporting event, or just cookouts and family gatherings.

Preparation in the Bible

How can we, as Christians, be prepared to handle the challenges that life throws at us?

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3 Ways to Be Prepared

Be Prepared: Stay prayed up

I often think of the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 4:6,

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Prayer is an answer in all situations.

First, it brings God to the table. Second, it acknowledges that I am not the one, God is.

Having God in the proper place is the first step to being prepared for situations that come up.

Praying about everything keeps the line of communication open. We don’t have to wait for those desperate moments and then wonder how to pray or if God is listening.

If we’re staying prayed up daily, then we are naturally prepared because of that consistent communication and better discernment that follows.

When we make prayer a daily habit, it is easier on the hard days.

Be Prepared: Stay suited up

In Ephesians 6 we learn about the armor of God.

“Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 

For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

Can you imagine a football player coming to the field for a game wearing a suit, tie, and dress shoes? Of course not.

He would likely get hurt without the padding and helmet. He would struggle to run and move as needed without the proper footwear. He sure wouldn’t look like he belonged with his team.

The time to fully suit up is before you step out on the field, not when you get out there and realize that you’re not in a good position to have success.

The same can be said of us in our Christian walk.

Before we face a fallen world that features a relentless scheming enemy, we need to be fully suited up and ready for whatever battle we might face.

Much like that football player, if we enter battle with the enemy not properly prepared, we’re as good as defeated before it starts.

The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes of readiness, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit make up the uniform we need to wear every day.

We don’t get to show up, call timeout, and then run back home to get ready.

Stay suited up.

Be Prepared: Stay read up

The final piece of armor, the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.

Not only is Scripture our weapon, but it is also our game plan. It is the instruction manual God has given us.

-We must stay read up.

-We must be studying God’s word for ourselves every day.

-We must do more than just take other people’s word for it and more than just read the words. We’ve got to dig in for ourselves. Secondhand information does not equal good preparation.

That doesn’t mean we dismiss a good sermon or corporate Bible study, but we should consistently be reading and studying to discern and allow God to reveal Himself to us.

Friends, preparation is a key to successfully navigating a life lived for Christ. Be prepared and willing to put in the work when there’s no glory to be found.

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Robyn Rison Chapman

Robyn Rison Chapman is a finder of hope, a passionate encourager, and an award-winning writer. She is the author of the devotional book, “Ordinary Walks with an Extraordinary God” and a contributor to ButterflyLiving’s book “Life Changing Stories.” She writes on her blog at

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Robyn Rison Chapman

Robyn Rison Chapman is a finder of hope, a passionate encourager, and an award-winning writer. She is the author of the devotional book, “Ordinary Walks with an Extraordinary God” and a contributor to ButterflyLiving’s book “Life Changing Stories.” She writes on her blog at

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