Walking in the Newness of Christ

ButterflyLiving was created to help Christians embrace a new identity in Christ. When a butterfly breaks free from its cocoon, they emerge as a new beautiful creation. Similarly, when we accept that we are a beloved Child of God, we can relax and begin to embrace our new identity. In Romans 6:4 Paul implores us to walk in our new identity:

"Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life no longer at sin's every beck and call! What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ's sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection."

Join us as we share stories and practical examples of walking out a better altogether life as Christ followers.

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Stories and pratical help about God's transforming power


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us in our parenting and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.

Personal Growth and Development

When we experience personal growth, it impacts every area of our life. A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us relationally and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


When our identity is in Christ, God's transforming power leads to experience spiritual growth through Bible study and prayer, it leads to growth in every area of our life.


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Butterflies and White Flowers

About ButterflyLiving

ButterflyLiving is a community that helps Christians live a transformed, better altogether life.

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