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Stories and pratical help about God's transforming power


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us in our parenting and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.

Personal Growth and Development

When we experience personal growth, it impacts every area of our life. A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us relationally and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


When our identity is in Christ, God's transforming power leads to experience spiritual growth through Bible study and prayer, it leads to growth in every area of our life.


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5 Powerful Steps for Healing Emotional Triggers
5 Powerful Steps for Healing Emotional Triggers
When I realized my response to emotional triggers negatively affected my relationships, I felt grief and a desire for change. As I allowed God to guide me in my emotional triggers, I experienced freedom and the courage to speak out. If emotional triggers impact your life, I hope you find encouragement and hope in my…
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How to Plan a Retreat that is Spiritual, Meaningful and Fun
How to Plan a Retreat that is Spiritual, Meaningful and Fun
Learning how to plan a retreat can be intimidating. That is exactly what we were feeling when our Book Club decided to plan a retreat in order to grow closer to God and to each other. But as we discussed the idea our excitement grew and the possibility that we could learn how to plan…
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Dealing with Uncertainty: 8 Inspiring Ways
Dealing with Uncertainty: 8 Inspiring Ways
We live in uncertain times. Everywhere we look we see evidence of unrest around us. The truth is nothing remains the same. Change is inevitable, and along with change comes uncertainty about the future. Dealing with uncertainty is a challenge for anyone trying to adapt to unforeseen changes in their life. We only have to…
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Betrayal in the Bible & 4 Tips to Find Healing from Betrayal
Betrayal in the Bible: 4 Tips to Find Healing from Betrayal
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The Story of Mary and Martha: 6 Inspiring Lessons We Learn
The Story of Mary and Martha: 6 Inspiring Lessons
The story of Mary and Martha in the Bible is a true tale of two sisters who passionately loved Jesus. I have frequently studied both of these women throughout the past few years and each time I study the story of Mary and Martha I learn something new! At the time of this writing about…
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5 Ways How to Fix a Friendship and Find Joy Restoring Relationships
5 Ways How to Fix a Friendship and Find Joy Restoring Relationships
Friendship is life-giving! Good friends offer joy, laughter, support, and growth. In healthy relationships we enjoy intertwined lives and are stronger together. But even strong relationships can hit a rough patch and begin to fray. When stirrings of discontent and detachment sprout up in a friendship, we usually feel dread and fear. We hope our…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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