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Stories and pratical help about God's transforming power


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us in our parenting and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.

Personal Growth and Development

When we experience personal growth, it impacts every area of our life. A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us relationally and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


When our identity is in Christ, God's transforming power leads to experience spiritual growth through Bible study and prayer, it leads to growth in every area of our life.


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What is My Spiritual Gift? 7 Powerful Spiritual Gifts & How to Identify Your Spiritual Gift
What is My Spiritual Gift? 7 Powerful Spiritual Gifts and How to Identify Your Spiritual Gift
Have you wondered, what is my spiritual gift? What does the Bible say about spiritual gifts and why is it important to identify your spiritual gift? When I first learned God offered spiritual gifts the next question was what is my spiritual gift? And then I thought how amazing that the creator of the world…
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Trusting God in Making Decisions and 3 Ways to Make Godly Decisions
Trusting God in Making Decisions: 3 Ways to Make Godly Decisions
 Is it possible to get better at trusting God in making decisions? Does God care about every decision you make? When making decisions, can you learn to release control and believe God will guide you? When making decisions is there more than one choice that could be right? Most of us probably ask ourselves these…
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Who Am I in Christ? And 6 Amazing Qualities of Jesus
Who Am I in Christ? 6 Amazing Qualities of Jesus
Who am I in Christ? Are you questioning your identity especially as it relates to your spiritual life? I didn’t contemplate my identity or who I was in Christ until it seemed everything in my life was falling apart. I thought I knew who I was in Christ and understood my relationship with God until…
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3 Steps and Biblical Principles to Finding Financial Freedom
3 Steps and Biblical Principles to Finding Financial Freedom
Finding financial freedom started a little rough for me. “I want it.”   “I deserve it.”   “I’m not going to wait – I want it now.”   Probably those statements sound like something you have heard a kid say when begging for a toy or video game.  Unfortunately, it was neither – this was me at 25…
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5 Helpful Tips How to Make Good Friends and Keep Them
5 Helpful Tips How to Make Good Friends and Keep Them
I love to talk and make friends. How about you? We have to be intentional with our relationships and work on how to make good friends and keep them. In this article, you will find tips on making good friends and keeping the friends you have. After an exciting day of kindergarten, my son jumped…
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Elements of a Successful Marriage & 4 Tips to Make Marriage Stronger
Important Elements of a Successful Marriage: 4 Tips to Make Your Marriage Stronger
I have often told people who are contemplating marriage that you can read books, listen to others’ anecdotes, and ask for advice, but you’ll never know exactly what it’s like until you’re married. Everybody wants a successful marriage. Nobody sets a goal to fail. But what are the elements of a successful marriage? And how…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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