Mary Rooney Armand

Mary Rooney Armand is an Author, Speaker, and Creator of the faith-based blog She helps others grow in their intimacy with Christ and thrive in their relationships. Her work is featured on multiple websites including Woman of Noble Character, Pray with Confidence, and The Brave Women Series. Mary is the author of, “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and, “Life Changing Stories” a collaboration with 34 authors sharing stories of God’s faithfulness. Besides writing, Mary leads small groups and speaks at retreats. She directed Kids Hope USA, a mentoring program for children, worked in marketing and sales, and has led mission trips to Honduras. Mary is a life coach with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and an MBA. She and her wonderful husband Cory live in New Orleans and are the parents of four children, a new daughter-in-law, and two dogs! Connect with Mary on Instagram or Facebook.

people walking-how to build healthy relationships
How to Build Positive, Healthy Relationships: 6 Helpful Tips
Sitting in my car crying, feeling somewhat hopeless, a thought hit me. I did not have positive, healthy relationships in my life. My relationships were shallow and a little self-serving. Realizing you need more positive relationships is hard to accept, but at 22 with the excitement of life in front of me, it was an…
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Teens jumping-raising teenagers
8 Tips to Stay Positive when Raising Teenagers & Facing Teenage Problems
The thought of raising teenagers has historically caused dread and prayers for survival. Many parents have said raising teenagers can take the joy out of parenting. But if we enter our season of raising teenagers armed with wisdom, faith, and a good attitude, it can impact our experience as parents and impact the lives of…
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Group of teens-positive parenting strategies for the teenage years
15 Positive Parenting Strategies for the Teenage Years
Since becoming a parent, I have been on the lookout for positive parenting tips. Every stage of a child’s life has highs and lows, but the teenage years can be especially challenging. Although the teenage years are unpredictable and hard to grasp, they are an important stage of growth in every person’s life. Finding and…
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Lady with arms out-Living an authentic life
4 Guidelines for Living an Authentic Life
At my dear friend John’s funeral, I was brought to tears as people highlighted his kind, generous spirit. The word authentic was repeatedly used to describe him and how he lived his life. What a legacy to be known as a genuinely authentic person; someone who knows what it means to be real. Although my…
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flowers-what is discouragement
What is Discouragement? 5 Helpful Tips on How to Overcome Discouragement
What is discouragement? It is a curtain of doubt that falls on you when optimism over a certain outcome is ripped away.   I can vividly remember situations where I felt discouragement. A season of hope that was replaced by uncertainty and confusion. The moment my husband walked into the room after Hurricane Katrina and…
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What Does the Bible Say about Encouragement? 5 Tips to Build Each Other Up
What Does the Bible Say about Encouragement? 5 Tips to Build Each Other Up
Some people naturally know how to encourage others.  In their presence, we feel refreshed; they freely offer praise, admiration, and genuine encouragement. When I am around encouragers, I wonder, how are they so kind? Is it possible for all of us to become encouragers? What does the Bible say about encouragement? Expressing encouragement may seem…
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Red bow-Simple CHRISTMAS
5 Fun Tips for a Simple Christmas Focused on Christ
While listening to my friend explain her simple Christmas traditions, I looked around and felt the spirit of Christmas everywhere. Her home looked, smelled, and felt like Christmas. I was intrigued by her family’s interpretation of how to celebrate the holidays without stress and exhausting busyness. A simple Christmas sounded like a comforting, freeing idea.…
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Lady reading-how the Bible can change your life
How the Bible Can Change Your Life: 4 Benefits of Reading God’s Word
Are you wondering, how the Bible can change your life? How the word of God completely transforms you? When I was in grade school, I was part of a team that would memorize Bible verses for competition. The training involved sitting on my porch, eating Lemonhead candy while practicing Bible flash cards. I hate to…
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girls on a beach-what makes a good friend
What Makes a Good Friend: 6 Inspiring Qualities
The saying ‘a good friend is hard to find’ doesn’t seem true when surrounded by good friends; we don’t think about what makes a good friend. But during seasons when friendships are hollow or nonexistent, the saying feels especially painful and true. We have to grow and change to become the kind of people who…
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Garden path-finding your purpose in God
5 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in God: Discover the Real Purpose in Life
Finding your purpose in God leads to a better altogether life. Relinquishing control and trusting God with our lives leads to an inspiring, peaceful, and fulfilling journey. But for me, it took time and several wrong turns. Finding purpose took me on many paths with some success and some dead ends. When I finally attached…
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Lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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