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Stories and pratical help about God's transforming power


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us in our parenting and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.

Personal Growth and Development

When we experience personal growth, it impacts every area of our life. A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


A transformed spirit leads to a desire to grow personally which helps us relationally and guides us to a better altogether life in Christ.


When our identity is in Christ, God's transforming power leads to experience spiritual growth through Bible study and prayer, it leads to growth in every area of our life.


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What is a Normal Parent Adult Child Relationship & 4 Tips to Make Sure it is Healthy
What is a Normal Parent Adult Child Relationship: 4 Key Elements to Keep Relationships Healthy
While people may ask “What is a normal parent adult child relationship?” I’m not sure there is a “normal” that can be pointed to with the expectation that all others would look the same.   Perhaps a better question is “What does a healthy parent adult child relationship look like?”   Given the fact that every family…
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How Does Faith Impact Your Life? 10 Examples of How Faith Changes Everything
How Does Faith Impact Your Life? 10 Examples of How Faith Changes Everything
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Special Family Christmas traditions
Special Family Christmas Traditions: 3 Meaningful Gifts for Christmas
The short, cooler days of fall are ushering in a time of preparedness for winter. I love this time of slowing down that speaks to my soul as I also prepare for and anticipate the upcoming Christmas Holiday. Family Christmas traditions are already starting to occupy thoughts and calendars. And as much as I try…
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When You Lose a Friend: 5 Ways to Accept, Heal and Move On
When You Lose a Friend: 5 Ways to Accept, Heal and Move On
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4 Powerful Keys for Overcoming the Sprit of Fear with Faith
4 Powerful Keys for Overcoming the Sprit of Fear with Faith
I have lived with fear most of my life. Even as a young girl, I nursed fears and illogical outcomes on a daily basis. Overcoming the spirit of fear always seemed like a good idea but living free from fear felt unattainable. Fear was my constant companion. -Going to sleep meant overcoming the spirit of…
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4 Steps to Nurture Christian Friendship by Growing in God's Love
4 Steps to Nurture Christian Friendship by Growing in God’s Love
“We’ll get together soon. I’ll call you.” Those words gave me hope of making a new Christian friendship.  We’ve moved often and I’ve heard those well-meaning words often. Sometimes smiles and pleasantries exchanged week after week, month after month—but no phone calls and no get-togethers.  Sometimes the start of a potentially great Christian friendship sparked…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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