Julie Ademe

Julie is a three-time cancer survivor and kidney transplant recipient who empowers women to find joy in reading Scripture and experiencing the presence of Jesus in their daily lives. Her message of hope and joy guides women to rest in Jesus amidst life’s challenges and everyday moments. She is a Bible teacher, blogger, speaker, author of Reclaiming Christmas Joy: 25 Days of Refreshment with Jesus, and featured contributor in Life Changing Stories. Her first Bible Study, Growing in the Presence of Jesus: A Study of the Book of Hebrews, is set to be released in the Fall of 2024. Julie and her husband, Maurice, enjoy life on a lake in Northern Illinois. Together, they have two married sons and are the proud grandparents of five very active grandchildren. To connect with Julie, visit julieademe.com.

lady on water-how to be still God
How to Be Still With God: A Powerful Exercise to Connect with Jesus
Julie Ademe shares how to be still with God and an exercise to connect with Jesus. Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply. The days have been long, and I’m worn out. Facing another day on dialysis seems daunting. The additional “things” that need doing are an added weight. I prefer to start my days by…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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