Cecille Valoria

Cecille desires to be a woman after God's own heart. She finds expression of her passion in discipling and encouraging others through her devotional writing, blog, Facebook groups, newsletters, and her podcast, Digging Deep for Treasures with Cecille Valoria. Cecille published her memoir/self-help book, Slaying your Fear Giants in November 2019 and collaborated on the devotional Life Changing Stories. Cecille is married to Sal and has two children, a son-in-love and a granddaughter.

lady and cross-how to wait on God
How to Wait on God During Grief and Sorrow
Learning how to wait on God is hard, especially during grief and sorrow. If you are grieving, may you find hope and inspiration in Cecille’s story. I needed to get home fast! I visited this place often, but it still felt foreign. I looked for landmarks and remembered a theater nearby where cabs were accessible.…
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lady smiling-Mary Rooney Armand

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